BSI First Head of Transport Appointed to Roadsafe Board


08 July 2003

The first head of transport for BSI, John Lennox, has been appointed to the Roadsafe board of directors, the British road safety partnership of leading companies in the motor and transport industries, it was announced today. As well as adding over 20 years of experience in the transport sector, John will provide greater insight into establishing potentially life saving and commercially beneficial Standards.

His role for Roadsafe and BSI includes benchmarking, safety, environment, risk and standards development and, for BSI, leading the dialogue with industry and Government on standards and standardisation in the transport sector.

As head of transportation for the BSI Group, John has responsibility for all aspects of the multi-modal transportation market across the entire Group.

His aims are as far-reaching as Britain's roads, as BSI's vision is to be the leading voice for safety and Standards in the transport sector.

John Lennox says: "I am very honoured to be invited to the Roadsafe board and I hope to be an active and successful member. I have a hugely exciting challenge ahead of me in my role at BSI, but one that I relish and believe to be achievable. My involvement with Roadsafe in the area of Road Safety is indicative of BSI's engagement with industry to the benefit of all. Roadsafe is already an excellent organisation achieving a great deal in terms of making transport safer, but, as ever, there is still much to do.

"Of course in my role for BSI my remit goes much further than UK road Transport, as I will also be working globally with rail, sea and air organisations."

David Lazenby, Director of British Standards, says: "John has already proven to be an excellent appointment for BSI in his six months with us. This directorship along with John's many years experience within the transport sector have given him a fine foundation for his future work with BSI and engagement with our stakeholders."


Editors' Notes

N.B. If interested in getting an interview with and/or a photograph of John Lennox for a wider profile piece please call Steven Brassey at the BSI Press Office on 0207 861 3106

John Lennox BSc (Hons), I Eng, MCIT, MILT, MSOE, MIRTE, MIMI.

Prior to joining the BSI Group, an engineer by profession, John held various operational and policy roles at The Freight Transport Association, the UK's premier multi-modal transport trade association, representing members' interests at local and national level.

These roles included Deputy Regional Director for London and the South East, Head of Business and Product Development and subsequently General Manager of FTA's Auditing and Vehicle Inspection Services, sitting on FTA's Commercial Board.

John Lennox, 42, worked for the FTA for 17 years.

For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330